Discover the fishing routes

One of the most beautiful and most extensive mountain fishing courses classified in first category; 27 km of Giffre from Morillon to Sixt Fer à Cheval as well as 23 km of nants; the lakes of Gers, Gouilles Rouges, the second Lac aux Dames and the communal lakes of Samoëns and Morillon.

Types of fishing

Sporty with toc, vairon manié, lures, natural fly bait and No Kill at the second Lac aux Dames.

Types of fish

* In rivers: Wild Fario trout
* Lakes: Fario and Rainbow trout, Arctic char, brook salmon

Departmental fishing map for torrents, high lakes and Lake No Kill

* Distributor offices: the tourist offices of Samoëns, Morillon and “Narcisse” in Sixt-Fer-à-Cheval
* Card Types: Day, Week, Year

Pêche au lac aux dames


1st category: concerns the rich, the Giffre, the lakes of altitude and the second lake to the Ladies of Samoëns (lake No Kill, fishing respectful with the fly whipped, with the revolving spoon, a single hook without ardillon and without sampling). Trout size: 25 cm and 3 catches maximum per day. Three reserves are marked: the first on the Giffre upstream of the bridge of Samoëns up to the Clévieux, then from the Clévieux up to the bridge of Amours including the Bézière des Fontaines up to the Chevreret. The second on the whole of the Jouathon, at Sixt and the third on the lake of the Plan at Sixt.

The intercommunal fishing map

Valid only for the two communal lakes of Samoëns (1st lake) and Morillon. Distributed by the tourist offices and town halls of the Haut-Giffre valley to the tourist residents and inhabitants of Haut-Giffre (limited catch: 3 per day; see regulation on the map and displayed at communal lakes). Fishing card : €20.

Baits & fishing tackle

They are distributed by l’Art des Choix and Carrefour Market in Samoëns and by Super U in Taninges.

The fishing guards

AFB, AAPPMA, Fédération de la pêche, the guards of the nature reserve, the game guards, the fishing guards of the Faucigny and the gendarmerie ensure the surveillance and the respect of the regulations.

Pêche à Samoëns
Peche et mouche magasine

The opinion of world champion Grégoire Juglaret 

“The Haut-Giffre is a remarkable fishing site with its numerous streams, rivers and lakes.
It is too bad that this is not yet known enough because there is real potential.”

champion du monde Grégoire Juglaret à Samoëns

Discover the article published in Pêche Mouche magazine!

Grégoire Juglaret presents our beautiful valley through this outdoor activity that is fishing.

Film sur la vallée du Giffre avec Grégoire Juglaret