
Fall Wellness Meetings

Espace du Bois aux Dames
74340 Samoëns


From Friday 20 to Sunday 22 September 2024.
Detailed program to follow.


Conferences: €5
1-hour group workshop: €10
2-hour group workshop: €15
1-hour massages: €50.

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The 5rd Wellness meetings in Samoëns will allow you to enjoy a moment of relaxation and well-being, with many professionals from the Giffre valley who will come to offer you relaxation and allow you to relax.

In an enchanting setting, these wellness events will introduce you to a range of wellness-related activities at affordable prices.
On the programme: yoga (hatha, nidra, hormonal, facial), meditation, sophrology, sound travel, hypnosis, massage, naturopathy, letting go, Afghan walking, energetic psychogenealogy, family constellations, aromatherapy, etc.
Activities in the form of: conferences, group workshops, individual cocoons and a craft market.

Complément de réservation

Booking link coming soon.


What to do this week in Samoëns?

Week's program

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