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Rebozo ritual

919 route de Vigny, Le chalet de Vigny 74340 Samoëns
Téléphone :06 82 91 68 04 Email Site internet
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As a rite of passage, it is intended for all people who, at a key stage in their life, wish to symbolically close one door to open another (change of job, move, separation, mourning, marriage, menopause, etc. .).

The two practitioners accompany each step of the process with listening and kindness.

The rebozo is a Mexican ritual, traditionally performed on women 40 days after giving birth.

It is broken down into 4 steps:

- 1 hour 4 hands massage

- sweating in a sauna accompanied by songs

- swaddling

- 7-point body tightening

rite of passage
life milestones
4 hands massage

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ATMAsphère : Massages bon-être - Douceurs du monde

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