Saturday 22 June 2024

The Pays de Moulin Heritage Days - Clos Parchet ecomuseum

Route de Joux-Plane, Cessonex
74340 Samoëns


Saturday 22 June 2024.
2pm and 4pm Special "Water" tour of the ecomuseum
3pm Conference "Moulins et bézières: usages de l'eau à Samoëns" by Violaine Simon and Nora Bériou
*Contrary to usual, this afternoon will only be offered on the Saturday and not on the Sunday of the JPPM, as the association recommends Sunday June 23: the 600th anniversary of the chapel of Saint-Denis in Mieussy.


Free of charge. Registration required.


Réserver par téléphoneRéserver par téléphone
Minimum age
4 years

View the media gallery photos and videos

Discover the traditional life on the slopes of Giffre mountains. Discover an old farm of the 19th century located in nature. Live a sensory experience, expressions of the everyday-life of that time.

The co-founding of the ecomuseum, but before that his role as a volunteer fireman, as the doctor's carriage driver and his involvement in the family farm. This inaugural weekend will be an opportunity to view Pierre's video archives and share our memories of him with Simone Déchavassine.
Visit proposed with the Guides du Patrimoine Savoie Mont Blanc.

Complément d'informations

We recommend that you wear warm clothing and mountain boots.

Complément de localisation

The car park is located along the Col de Joux Plane road, 5km from the town of Samoëns. From there, it's a 200-metre walk downhill (to the west) to the eco-museum. It is also possible to get to the museum via the interpretation trail, starting from the hamlet of Bérouze. A map is available from the tourist office.

Complément de réservation

Registration not yet open, coming soon.


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