Saturday 22 June 2024at15h00

Conference "Moulins et bézières: usages de l'eau à Samoëns" - Violaine Simon

Ferme Ecomusée du clos Parchet
Route de Joux-Plane, Cessonex
74340 Samoëns


Saturday 22 June 2024 at 3 pm.
3pm Conference "Moulins et bézières: usages de l'eau à Samoëns" by Violaine Simon and Nora Bériou
*Contrary to usual, this afternoon will only be offered on the Saturday and not on the Sunday of the JPPM, as the association recommends Sunday June 23: the 600th anniversary of the chapel of Saint-Denis in Mieussy.


Free to participate.


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Did you know that the water flowing through septimontain taps is linked to Marie-Louise Jaÿ of the Samaritaine? Do you know the history of the Bézière, the trou de la baronne and the Moulins district of Samoëns?

On the occasion of the Journées du Patrimoine de Pays & des Moulins JPPM 2024, whose theme is "Water for everyone", and the 30th anniversary of the ecomuseum, the Friends of the Clos Parchet Ecomuseum Farm invite you to a talk on Samoëns' hydraulic heritage. Following the bézière (bief in French), on the traces of the remains of the millers, from the beginnings of the mechanical use of hydraulic energy to the current challenges for the SM3A and water managers, this conference will look at the different uses of water in Samoëns.

Savoie Mont Blanc heritage guides Violaine Simon and Nora Bériou propose this lecture, inspired by the work of the Fédération Française des Associations de Sauvegarde des Moulins (FFAM) and, locally, the Association des Amis des Moulins Savoyards (AMS). In addition, you can (re)discover the ecomuseum with a special "water" tour, from the day-to-day economy to hydroelectricity.

Complément de localisation

The car park is located on the road to the Col de Joux Plane, 5km from the center of Samoëns. You then have to walk 200m on foot following the path downhill (towards the west) to get to the eco-museum. It is also possible to get there via the path leading to the ecomuseum, starting from the hamlet of Le Bérouze (1h20). The map is available at the tourist office.

Complément de réservation

Compulsory registration

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