
Cross Country Skiing in the Giffre Valley

Accueil Nordique, Bâtiment de l'Office de Tourisme
74340 Samoëns


From 21/12/2024 to 01/04/2025.
If there is not enough snow, all or part of the domain may be closed. In this case, the Joux Plane site at 1,700 m will be opened.


Adult day: 10 €
Adult week: 42 €
Adult season resort: 80 € (Pre-sale (October 1 to November 15) €72)
Adult season department: 166 € (Pre-sale (October 1 to November 15) €139)
Adult season national: 240 € (Pre-sale (from October 1 to November 15) €205)
Child day : 4.50 to 8 € (Jeunes (5-15 years old) : 4,50€
Eterlous (16-21 year...

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ski map

Ouverture des pistes

Vallée : Morillon - Samoëns - Sixt (Fermé)

Le long du Giffre, un dénivelé tout en douceur vous promène près des villages, dans la forêt, dans la plaine, autour des lacs …

Piste verte0/5
Piste bleue0/2
Piste rouge0/2
Km de pistes ouvertes0/27 km
  • E-Circuit des Sages1km - Ski de fondFermé
  • G- Circuit de la Glière2.5km - Ski de fondFermé
  • D-Circuit des lacs aux Dames1.5km - Ski de fondFermé
  • C-Circuit des Bois de l'Etelley4km - Ski de fondFermé
  • A-Circuit du Lac Bleu0.5km - Ski de fondFermé
  • F- Circuit de Vallon7.5km - Ski de fondFermé
  • B-Circuit de la plaine de Morillon4.5km - Ski de fondFermé
  • Z-Liaison Sixt - Molliet2km - Ski de fondFermé
  • Y-Liaison Samoëns-Sixt3.5km - Ski de fondFermé
  • Piste de luge de MorillonLugeFermé
  • Boucle piétonne Samoëns-Lacs aux Dames3.4km - Marche/trail, Raquettes, FatbikeFermé
  • Boucle piétonne Morillon-Lac Bleu2.5km - Marche/trail, Raquettes, Ski joering, FatbikeFermé
  • Boucle piétonne Sixt-La Glière2km - Marche/trail, Raquettes, FatbikeFermé
  • Boucle piétonne Samoëns-Vallon5.8km - Marche/trail, Raquettes, FatbikeFermé

Nordic estate in the heart of the Giffre valley from Morillon to Sixt-Fer-à-Cheval via Samoëns.

Cross country skiing is a more gentle way to discover nature in the mountains. The site in the valley, on the banks of the Giffre, offers 43 km of tracks that are also suitable for skating. The Haut Giffre circuits are very popular with cross country skiers. Blending perfectly into the landscape, the tracks «Lac bleu» (0,5km), «Lacs aux Dames» (1,5km), «Bois de l’Etelley» (4km), «la Glière» (2,5km) and «le Molliet» (2,7km) are suitable for beginners, while the Fer-à-Cheval (10 km), and the return to Samoens (2.5km and 3.5km) will appeal to more experienced skiers.

Complément d'informations

Day, week and season package on sale at the Nordic reception in Samoëns.
Day pass on sale in the tourist offices of Morillon, Sixt and Verchaix


Adult day: 10 €
Adult week: 42 €
Adult season resort: 80 € (Pre-sale (October 1 to November 15) €72)
Adult season department: 166 € (Pre-sale (October 1 to November 15) €139)
Adult season national: 240 € (Pre-sale (from October 1 to November 15) €205)
Child day : 4.50 to 8 € (Jeunes (5-15 years old) : 4,50€
Eterlous (16-21 years old) : 8€)
Child week : 19 to 33 € (Jeunes (5-15 years old) : 19€
Eterlous (16-21 years old) : 33€)
Child season resort : 31 to 62 € (Jeunes (5-15 years old) : 31€
Eterlous (16-21 years old) : 62€)
Child season department : 52 to 166 € (For 5-15 year-olds only, adults only.
Pre-sale (from October 1st to November 15th) 44€.)
Child season national : 90 to 240 € (For 5-15 year-olds only, adults only.
Presale (October 1 to November 15) €75).

Free entry for children < 5 years, people > 75.
Child entry valid for 6 - 15 years.

Rechargeable holder mandatory for week and season passes

Week and season passes can be purchased (or recharged) :
- online:
- or at the Nordic welcome desk in the Samoëns Tourist Office building.
Day passes can be purchased at the Morillon, Samoëns, Sixt and Verchaix Tourist Offices, as well as at the Joux Plane reception chalet.

74 handiski season pass:
Adults and Eterlous (16-21 years): 74€.
Young people (5-15 years): 26€.

Offres promotionnelles

Pre-sale of season passes between 1 October and 15 November 2023:
Adult Haut-Giffre season pass: 69€ instead of 77€
Adult départemental season pass: 134€ instead of 158€
Adult national season pass: 200€ instead of 230€
Child Haut-Giffre season pass: 27€ instead of 31€
Child départemental season pass: 44€ instead of 52€
Child national season pass: 70€ instead of 85€
Handiski 74 season pass: 63€ instead of 74€.



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