Good living and health are essentially linked to the environment. The resort-village of Samoëns has understood this and is taking several measures to preserve it, with one major challenge: to preserve this beautiful “nature destination”.

Some examples of actions carried out:

Sensors will be installed in the village in order to measure precisely the quantities of fine particles and take action according to the results.
Two public electric charging points are proposed so that electric vehicles can be recharged.
The municipality has equipped itself almost entirely with electric tools and vehicles.
The most polluting heavy vehicles used for snow removal in winter and for transporting equipment in summer meet the latest environmental requirements.

Natural areas
At least one third of the commune’s surface area is covered by a “Natura 2000” zone, a European network of sites designated to protect a certain number of habitats and species representative of European biodiversity.

On the energy side
The ice rink and the Bois aux Dames building use geothermal energy.
All public lighting has been equipped with LEDs. The remaining projects for low-energy public lighting will be regulated in certain sectors by clocks or by person detectors.

Samoëns on the road to energy transition

The commune has decided to look to the future and contribute to the production of renewable energy on its territory, by exploiting its natural resources and thus promoting short energy circuits. The aim is to be, if possible, electricity positive by 2025-2030 for household consumption, or even globally.

What is local production in Samoëns?

Use hydro-electricity on some of our mountain streams.
Produce solar electricity on our roofs and/or car parks.
Produce heat for district heating by enhancing our heritage.

Why this ambition?

By producing green energy, we contribute to the fight against global warming, promote the maintenance of our forest heritage and create local jobs.

Rivière du Giffre


A real Ariadne’s thread of the territory, the soft way “Au fil du Giffre” currently makes it possible to connect Sixt-Fer-à-Cheval to Taninges – in one direction or the other – on foot, by bike (VTT/VTC) and on horseback, and thus to discover the valley in a different way, in a quiet and green setting.

The development of the ”Au fil du Giffre” route began in 2015 through the Giffre / Risse River Contract, for which the Syndicat Mixte d’Aménagement de l’Arve et de ses Affluents (SM3A) is the contracting authority delegated by the CCMG, with subsidies from the Agence de l’Eau Rhône-Méditerranée-Corse (Rhone-Mediterranean-Corsica Water Agency) and the Département de la Haute-Savoie.

The aim of this project is to enhance the Giffre and its natural areas while developing the region’s tourist assets. It will also improve access to the river and facilitate the maintenance of the banks and structures (footbridges, bridges, dykes, etc.).

The development work consists of restoring and/or designing/creating a soft path of variable width, up to a maximum of 3m in stabilised and compacted materials, to ensure the continuity of the Giffre riverbank itinerary for all publics.

Faire du vélo en famille à Samoëns

Green Globe

The Grand Massif has become the world’s first Green Globe certified ski area.

Since autumn 2016, Grand Massif has become the first ski area in the world to be certified Green Globe for all its lifts, slopes and their ,associated services. Like 450 international companies in the tourism sector, Grand Massif Domaines Skiables has chosen Green Globe certification, in line with its values, which emphasises the notion of sustainable development.

Grand Massif Domaines Skiables’ commitment is illustrated by the piloting, unique in France, of an environmental observatory set up in 2008 covering an area of 1,400 hectares spread over 5 communes. Its aim is to make an exhaustive inventory of biodiversity in all its forms (landscape, fauna, flora, particular biotopes), to monitor its evolution in a factual manner, to find solutions to preserve or restore the land and to preserve the sensitive areas referenced in the environmental observatory.

Green Globe

The Origine Grand Massif label
This label is part of the Green Globe label, and its aim is to provide visitors with authentic experiences based on meetings with the major players in the area. This label is designed to support the local economy through the promotion of its know-how.

The Tourist Office is committed to the environment

Each of us spends 1/3 of our time in the workplace. Concern for the environment also means taking action in the office. Applying simple, common sense actions to limit the impact on the environment and save money is being eco-reasonable and responsible.

For more information: click here

Ils parlent de nous

Les stations du Grand Massif en route pour une montagne plus propre - ici

ici, le média de la vie locale

Les stations de Samoëns, de Flaine, Morillon et Sixt Fer à Cheval sont des stations du domaine du Grand Massif, gérées par la compagnie des Alpes.

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