Intuitive massage session with Quintessence - mountain guide

See the activities offered by Quintessence - mountain guide
1024, Route d'Araches
74300 Saint-Sigismond


From 01/01/2024 to 31/12/2025
daily .


One price: from 60 €.

60 euros (home travel + 20 euros).

Body listening is received lying on a massage table. This care based on oil and essential oils, continuous gestures, acupressures and stretches is complemented by a conversation.

Through a verbal interview, a defined problem can be addressed during the session. At the same time as you’re explaining why you’re here, I’m asking you some questions that allow us to define the purpose of the meeting.
This attentive listening as well as the use of other physical educational techniques can then contribute to the highlighting of the root causes of a transient evil.
This practice soothes the body, reunites and refocuses the subtle bodies.
It invites the person who receives it to move forward...


As a mountain guide, all my work consists in recreating links with Nature and with oneself, respecting oneself in the effort, feeling to be in oneself, harmonizing body and mind and being in resonance with the elements.
Today, I learn most of my skills from all of you, and every experience we have together renews me like a gift!

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