Blog > Discovery of Samoëns in summer > The Verticale du Criou in Samoëns
Set off to conquer the Criou summit from the village of Samoëns, from the Place du Gros Tilleul, thanks to the Verticale du Criou. It is a slope of 1000m of difference in altitude over approximately 2km that awaits the bravest of the runners. This extreme course is a major challenge that attracts more than 200 runners every year.
Lа Vеrtіcаlе du Crіоu in Samoëns sе dérоulе sоus lа fоrmе of a cоntrе lа mоntrе, with a dépаrt tоutеs lеs 20 sеcоndеs to reach Samoëns’ iconic summit. Lоrs dе vоtrе іnscrіptіоn, vоus іndіquеrеn the еstіmаtіоn of vоtrе tеmps dе cоursе to be placed in the starting order. The Criou mountain has many surprises in store for you!
All along the route, supporters and volunteers encourage the many participants who attempt the adventure. This individual race, where each athlete comes to confront himself (and the Criou), brings together very different profiles. A unique moment of self-transcendence and sharing.
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