Loan of equipment for the disabled

552 route des vallons d'en bas, Les Vallons
74340 Samoëns


All year round.

Samoëns Handi glisse is an association that provides specific equipment, summer and winter, allowing mountain activities for people with reduced mobility.

The association has the following:

- a CIMGO, the equivalent of a winter tandem ski: operating licence required.
- a QUADRIX, an all-terrain wheelchair that enables disabled visitors to take skilifts in summer.
- a TRIEVE, another all-terrain wheelchair fitted with a handle-operated braking system.
- a JOELETTE, which is a chair mounted on a single wheel and carried by helpers. Can be used on footpaths.
- a beach wheelchair, which can be used on 4WD trails and is also suitable for use in winter.
- a paragliding chair, to allow disabled visitors to skim the mountaintops.
- an electric all-terrain "Access" chair with a range of approx. 25 kms for disabled visitors wishing to make their own way through the mountains.

Winter sports equipment:
- 2 tandem skis
- 3 Flex tandem
- 2 Dual skis
- 1 Instructor-steered dual ski
- 3 Uni ski
- 1 uni ski tempo
- 1 dual ski tempo
- 2 Scarver uni ski
- 1 VFC dual ski
- 2 go-kart skis
- 3 pairs of ski poles
- 1 FMS dual ski chair
- 1 ski scooter
- 1 cross-country ski sledge
- 1 ice sledge

The association also has a skiers' chalet in Samoëns 1600.


The idea of buying ski equipment for disabled people germinated slowly during the winter, then the idea of creating an association came naturally.

A new law on accessibility stipulates that any establishment or business open to the public must be adapted for all.

It was therefore necessary to follow the movement in leisure activities. To do this, you need to have equipment. Given the cost of these "machines" (4500€ for a tandemski, 5600€ for a dualski), only an association or a large private company could claim to acquire, maintain and manage such equipment. And there it is, the idea is there! We are 2, then 3... , we talk about it around us and now, with the help of Paul, Jean-Marc, Thierry... we are a whole team.

Each one helps in his own way with his means, according to his time and his availability to set up this first day in order to launch this very new association: SAMOËNS-HANDI-GLISSE.

What happiness are we going to bring to these people often confined in their armchair! You can see it on their faces, in their eyes and I have witnessed it several times with Carole, Franck, whom I took on the Grand Massif slopes and even on the Vallée Blanche.

I am proud and moved to share these moments of joy, of sliding and to make them discover the mountain while being on it!

But we will always need your help to keep this association alive.


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