Rando'bus Joux Plane descent

74340 Samoëns

Want to walk down the southern slope from the legendary Joux Plane pass? Use the destination's mobility network to hike for longer, without having to make the round trip.

Topo/pas à pas

Departure by shuttle from Samoëns - Office de Tourisme
Departure on foot from Samoëns - Col de Joux Plane

1/ From the parking lot, turn left around the lake, passing the chalet, then follow the signs for Les Couttaz.

2/ Continue downhill through the forest, following Croz d'en Haut, then continue towards Lairon.

3/ Then follow signs for La Mouille au Bois, then Montieux, then downhill to La Chaumette.

4/ Follow signs for Le Chaumieu, then La Plaigne and La Rapaz. Go back down to the main road, following signs for Charrières and then Les Hottes Est.

5/ Cross the main road at Pont de la Valentine to reach Lac Bleu de Morillon.

6/ Continue along the Au Fil du Giffre path towards Samoëns Lacs Aux Dames.

7/ From the Base de Loisirs, take the Avenue du Giffre into the center of Samoëns.

8/ Arrival at Samoëns Tourist Office
